Power BI Course in Anantapur

Learn Power BI Certification Course in Anantapur offered by 3zenx with Real-time Projects and Placement Support. 

GCP Course in Hyderabad



Power BI Course

Learn Power-BI a powerful business analytics tool with 3Zenx Power BI Course in Anantapur.
Businesses in all industries are increasingly relying on data-informed decisions to give them a competitive edge. As a result, there is a growing demand for professionals who can effectively analyse data and display it in a visually appealing manner.
The aim of 3Zen Institute’s Power BI training course in Anantapur is to enable students to harness the power of data to bring about significant business outcomes. Microsoft Power BI is redefining data analysis for businesses. Power BI provides consumers with the ability to transform unstructured information into visual presentations that drive corporate growth, using interactive dashboards, advanced analytics features, and more.
Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Visualisation (DVEX) is a powerful business intelligence technology used to analyse and report data. 3Zenx power BI course in anantapur covers advanced topics such as sophisticated DAX request, producing interactive reports, designing and modifying graphics, Power Query M, data transformation, integration, data modelling methodology, and much more. Through our Power BI training, you will learn how to use Microsoft business intelligence (BI) technology to analyse and report your data.


1. This Power BI training course will help you
get the most out of Microsoft’s Power BI,
2. A suite of tools that lets you build
interactive dashboards for analysing data
and extracting business insights.
3. This course will help you master the
development of dashboards from
4. published reports, discover greater insights
from your data with Quick Insights, and
learn practical applications for Power BI
tasks, such as gathering and analyzing data.
You will also
5. learn valuable Power BI troubleshooting

• The Course Overview
• Desktop Layout, Features, and Views
• Connecting to Common Data Sources
• Query Editor Layout and Functionality
• Creating Relationships in Your Data Model

• Develop Your Data Nerd ProwessBuilt-in
• Calculated Columns and Measures
• A Visual Demonstration
• Some Slightly Advanced Measures     

        ● Create a final performance test results document by setting counters
        ● Analyse the graph and find the bottleneck in application
        ● Tweak the server
        ● Repeat the test and launch the stable application

• Data Visualization Best Practices
• Report and Dashboard Layout
• Creating a Sales Analysis Report
• Creating a Project Management Report

 Telling the Story of Your Data
• Thinking Outside the Visual Box
• Theme-ing It Up
• Capstone Project

• Parenthesis, Comparison, Arithmetic, Text,
• DAX Functions and Types: Table Valued
• Filter, Aggregation and Time Intelligence
• Information Functions, Logical, Parent-Child
• Statistical and Text Functions. Formulas and
• Syntax Requirements with DAX. Differences
with Excel
• Naming Conventions and DAX Format
• YTD, QTD, MTD Calculations with DAX
• DAX Calculations and Measures
• Computations using STDEV & VAR
• Time Intelligence Functions with DAX
• Data Analysis Expressions and Functions
• Slicing and Dicing Options with Columns,
• DAX for Query Extraction, Data Mashup

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Power-BI by 3Zenx
Power BI Batches Starting soon

This Course Include

Skills Covered

Data preparation


Story telling

Dash board


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)​

For information about POWER BI please refer to the below questions

The Microsoft Power BI course has been thoughtfully designed to make you a skilled data analyst ready to take on significant roles in top companies. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 

  • Improve Data Integrity by Cleaning Data 
  • Learn Data Extraction and Data Visualization 
  • Automate manual work on Excel 
  • Create Interactive Reports and Dashboards 

The program takes you on a learning journey from the absolute basics and concepts of Power BI, All the way up to using advanced features. 

Yes, our Microsoft Power BI course is designed to give you flexibility to skill up as per your convenience. We have both weekday and weekend batches to accommodate your current job and have interesting projects that will keep you practicing as you learn. The course is delivered both in a Blended Learning and Self-Paced mode so that you can balance your work and learning as per your schedule.  

In addition to training hours, we propose that you spend about 2 hours per day, every day of the program, to study, practice, and get the most out of the course.

The Microsoft Power BI course is ideal for aspiring data analysts, those trying to automate work in Excel, or those looking to transfer from Excel or Tableau to Power BI.

To take this course, you must have a basic understanding of Excel functions such as Sum, Avg, Min, Max, and Vlookup, as well as working knowledge of pivot tables, pivot charts, and simple charts.

Let's be in the Lane of Digital Memories

“Make your memories last a lifetime with Power BI  skills from the top software training institutes in Hyderabad!”

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Batches We Offer For Software Courses in Hyderabad

Regular Batches

Regular Batches

If you are a student and can manage to come on a regular basis, then 3Zenx recommends that you enroll yourself in regular batches. Our schedule for regular batches is from Monday to Friday, five days a week.

Alternate Batches

Alternate Batches

If you would like to invest your time for practicing at home, then 3Zenx recommends you to enroll yourself for alternate batches. 3Zenx conducts alternate batches in which you need to come 3 Days a week on alternate basis.

Weekend Batches

Weekend Batches

If you are working or can’t manage to have free time on weekdays, then 3Zenx recommends you to enroll yourself for our weekend batches, which is only on Saturdays and Sundays.

Sunday Batches

Weekend Batches

In case if you are having a busy schedule from Monday to Saturday, then 3Zenx recommends you to enroll yourself for a Sunday Special Batch. However, you need to discuss the timings with our trainers.

Our Placement Process

Eligibility Criteria

Placements Training

Interview Q&A

Resume Preparation

Aptitude test

Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement