Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad

With 3zenx’s Digital marketing training in Hyderabad, you will hone the skills to elevate the brand presence to the next level through a range of marketing channels. 

GCP Course in Hyderabad

  • 100% PRACTICAL


Digital Marketing Course

This course will provide extensive knowledge of the current scenarios across the internet platforms. This knowledge allows you to understand the position of the product or service in the modern world and gives you a realistic chance of elevating its position to the top level.
With the number of modules, you will be able to master the skills of Branding under the guidance of the experts. The art of using the paid tools in combination with the free ones in an effective manner allows you to reap the best of the results out of them. This profound skill level will make your profile stand out in the market. 3Zenx is not only focusing on developing the skill levels of its participants but it is also providing a chance to enhance the research levels on the market scenarios.

Why 3Zenx for Digital Marketing training?
Being the best Digital marketing training institute in Hyderabad, we take pride in the way we deliver the training to our participants. Tailor-made course curriculums will allow the participants to learn the course at their own speed. Our own teaching methods and the care we show towards the participants will stand as proof of our uniqueness in the market.


  • Intro To Marketing
  • Types Of Marketing
  • History of Marketing
  • Why Marketing
  • Case Studies of Branding
  • Digital Marketing Overview
  • Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
  • Benefits of Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Process & Visibility
  • Defining Marketing Goals
  • Bringing Targeted Traffic
  • Latest Digital marketing trends
  • Case studies of Digital Campaigns
  • Career Opportunities & Growth Scale.
  • 80-20 Rule of Marketing
  • The Ripple Effect
  • Understanding the four ‘W's of Internet Marketing
  • The Network Effect and It’s Importance on Internet Marketing
  • Consumer Behaviors
  • Designing digital marketing strategy
  • Basic Guidelines of Article Writing
  • Difference Between Article Writing & Website Content Writing
  • 3 Assignments on Article Writing
  • What is a Search Engine?
  • How a Search Engine works?
  • SERP Exploration
  • Algorithms for Search Engine
  • Introduction to basic Ranking Factors
  • What Is a Domain
  • Types of Domains
  • Historical Importance of Domains
  • Existing Domain Name Usage Scenario
  • Domain Name Server
  • What is Hosting Space
  • Types of Hosting Spaces
  • What Is an IP address?
  • Internal Framework of Internet- Flow Diagram
  • Introduction to SEO & SERP
    • Importance of Keywords
    • Types of Keywords
    • Understanding the terms Keyword Density, Keyword Proximity, Keyword Stuffing.
    • Best practices to shortlist keywords based on Business Objective
    • Tools for Keyword Research
    • Live Exercise: Keyword Research using various Tools
    • Keyword Audit & Analysis
  • Algorithm updates and future of SEO
  • SEO Content Writing
    • Writing Content as per SEO
    • SEO Content Penalties
    • How to Recover if site got penalized
    • Live Exercise: Writing content
  • On Page Optimization
    • Basic HTML Tags Introduction
    • Hierarchy of Header Tags
    • Optimizing Header Tags
    • Anchor Tags Optimization
    • Alt Tag Optimization
  • Search Engine Visibility
    • What is a Sitemap?
    • Types of Sitemaps
    • .xml Sitemap
    • HTML Sitemap
    • Generating Sitemap
    • Submissions of Sitemap to Webmaster
  • On Page SEO - Snippets
    • What do you mean Snippet?
    • Types of Snippets
    • Optimizing your Snippets to get more Traffic to your website
    • Live Exercise: Creating Snippets for the Published content
  • Off Page Optimization
    • Off Page SEO - Link Building
      • What is Link Building?
      • Why is Link Building important?
      • Types of Link Building
  • Off Page SEO - Link Analysis
    • Reasons of Analyzing a Competitor in Digital Marketing
    • Extracting the Competitor backlinks
    • Live Exercise: Backlink submissions using Competitor links
  • Local SEO
    • What is Local SEO
    • Importance of Local SEO
    • Listing the business on Search Engines
    • Creation of Business Listing on Google
    • Importance of NAP
    • Building the backlinks to the listed business on Google
    • Live Exercise: Google My Business Page Creation
    • Google my Business Optimization
  • What is Internal Linking
  • Power of Internal Linking
  • What do you mean by Schema on Google?
  • Schema Setup for Google Snippets
  • Validating the Snippet code on Google Publishers tool
  • SEO site audit
  • Structure data and schema markup
  • Voice search
  • Google search console
  • Bing webmaster
  • Purchasing a Domain
  • Purchasing a Hosting Space Website Wireframe/ SILO Structure
  • Website Wireframe/ SILO structure
  • Basics of Website Building
  • Why a Content Management System (CMS)?
  • Essentials of website planning
  • Dynamic & Static Websites
  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML Tags
  • Designing a layout
  • Functional Design and layouts
  • What is WordPress
  • Page Creation on WordPress
  • Blog Page Creation on WordPress
  • Landing Page Design
  • Website testing Tools
  • Website Performance Analysis
    • What is Google Search Console?
    • Importance of Search Console
    • Analyzing the Website data
    • Live Exercise: Connecting your Website with Search Console and getting the Insights
  • Understanding & configuring GA
  • Different features & matrix of GA
  • Implementing Remarketing Tags
  • Understand your audience
  • Understanding and implementing Goals and Funnels
  • Monitoring traffic: Source, behavior, Actions
  • Monitoring Bounce Rate and Exit Rates
  • Tracking Conversion, Cart Abandonment Rate
  • Evaluate acquisition
  • Understand behavior pattern of your users
  • Conversion Journey
  • Fundamentals of Tag Manager
  • Create an account and container
  • Set up tags, variables and triggers
  • Event tracking and adding remarketing tag
  • What is Search Engine Marketing
  • Difference between SEM & SEO
  • Platforms of SEM
  • Why SEM Is Important for Running a Business
  • Push v/s Pull Marketing
  • Role Of User Intent in Paid Marketing
  • Intro To Google Ads
    • Types of Google Ads
    • Use Cases of Each Types
    • Which Mode of Google Ads Is the Best for Businesses
    • Conversion Tracking Code Setup
  • Search Ads - Part 1
  • Campaign Setup Basics
  • Location Targeting
  • Ad Groups and Its importance In a Campaign
  • Extensions
  • Match Types
  • Bidding and optimization Strategies
  • Search Ads - Part 2
  • Analyzing Search Terms - Keyword research and analysis
  • Ad Preview & Diagnosis
  • Negative Keywords
  • Demographics Adjustment
  • Extensions
  • Adjusting Locations
  • Advanced Bidding Adjustments
  • Live Exercise: Adjusting
  • Creating, Optimizing and Configuring Google Ads Account
  • Understanding different terminologies and Google Ads algorithm
  • Creating & optimizing search ads
  • Ad writing techniques to get maximum return
  • Understanding & creating display ads
  • How Ad auction works
  • Learn how to create an effective remarketing campaign
  • Create, target, test and monitor a display advertising campaign
  • Shopping ads with Google merchant center
  • Testing and optimizing your campaign using conversion tracker
  • Search Ads - Optimization of Ads
  • Best Practices of Writing Ads
  • Effect Of Relevant Keywords on CPC
  • Dynamic Keyword Insertion
  • Display Ads – Creation & Optimization of Ads – Part A
  • Creation of Smart Display Campaign
  • Creation of Standard Display Campaign
  • Creation of Gmail Campaign
  • Location targeting
  • Budget Setup
  • Bidding for Display Campaigns
  • Audience Targeting [demographic, in-market, affinity, remarketing]
  • Display Ads – Part B
  • Keyword Targeting
  • Topic Targeting
  • Placement Targeting
  • Creation of responsive Ad Copy
  • Headline & Description Copywriting
  • Use of CTA Buttons
  • Use of custom Colors
  • Optimizing Landing Page
  • Video Ads- Part I
  • Creation of In-stream Skippable Ads
  • Creation of Video Discovery Ads
  • Creation of Bumper Ads
  • Creation of non-skippable instream Ads
  • Creation of Outstream Ads
  • Video Ads- Part II
  • Location targeting
  • Budget Setup
  • Bidding for Display Campaigns
  • Audience Targeting [demographic, in-market, affinity]
  • Keyword Targeting
  • Topic Targeting
  • Placement Targeting
  • Video Ads- Part III
  • Frequency Capping Setup
  • Conversion Tracking Code Setup
  • Remarketing Audience Setup
  • Search Ads- Advanced
  • Conversion Tracking Code Setup
  • Audience Creation
  • Remarketing List Setup
  • Custom URL Parameters
  • Policy Manager & Billing Settings
  • What is Social Media Marketing?
  • History of social media
  • Importance of Social Media Marketing
  • Understanding different Social Media platforms and their marketing strategies
  • Leveraging social media platforms
  • Planning and implementing a multi-channel social media strategy
  • Social media marketing tools
  • Social media analytics tools
  • Various types of Advertising through social media - Platforms
  • Introduction to Facebook Marketing
  • Understanding Facebook Algorithm
  • Why Facebook is Important for Marketing?
  • Various Account Levels in Facebook
    • Page
    • Group
    • Profile
  • Facebook Business Page Creation
  • Configuring Business Page in the right way – Optimization
  • Facebook Page Insights
  • Live Exercise: Creation of a Facebook Page & Getting Insights from the Page posts.
  • Marketing Ways on Facebook Platform
  • Setting Up a Facebook Campaign
  • Various Marketing Goals to the Successful Business
  • Configuring Facebook Pixel
  • Audience Creation
  • Creating Facebook Campaign
  • Acquire new customers and create ad recall
  • Boost sales, generate awareness and leads
  • Community creation and nurturing on Facebook
  • Remarketing with Facebook for the potential Audience
  • Getting the insights from the campaigns
  • Understanding the importance & benefits of LinkedIn
  • Various Account Levels in LinkedIn
  • Profile
  • Group
  • Page
  • Creating a Business Page on LinkedIn
  • Optimization of LinkedIn Page
  • LinkedIn Page Insights
  • Live Exercise: Creation of a Business Page & Getting Insights from the Page posts.
  • LinkedIn Marketing Ways & Strategies
  • LinkedIn Advertising
  • Creating different types of LinkedIn Campaigns
  • Policies of LinkedIn to Start Marketing
  • Various Marketing Goals to the Successful Business
  • Targeting the Specific Audience on LinkedIn Platform
  • Installation of LinkedIn Pixel Code into the Website
  • Remarketing With LinkedIn for the Potential Audience
  • Getting the Insights from the Campaigns.
  • Understanding the importance of Instagram
  • How to grow on Instagram organically
  • Creating Instagram Business Profile
  • Account Optimization
  • Instagram Advertising
  • Create beautiful Instagram stories
  • Tools for Instagram marketing
  • Instagram Account Insights
  • Content ideas for regular publishing’s.
  • Influencer marketing on Instagram
  • Live Exercise: Creation of Instagram Business Account
  • Building followers & Engagement
  • Regular post scheduling
  • Understanding Twitter as a marketing platform
  • Why Twitter Is Important for Marketing?
  • Creating a Twitter Business Account
  • Optimization of Twitter Account
  • Live Exercise: Creation of a Business account on Twitter & Getting Insights from the Tweets
  • Marketing Ways on Twitter Platform
  • Setting Up a Twitter Campaign
  • Various Marketing Goals to the Successful Business
  • Targeting the Specific Audience on Twitter Platform
  • Installation of Twitter Pixel Code into the Website
  • Remarketing With Twitter for the Potential Audience
  • Getting the Insights from the Campaigns.
  • Reputation management on Twitter
  • Track Twitter events with Meet deck
  • Learn Tweet deck & Twitter lists
  • Twitter Ads & Analytics
  • Basics of Reddit and Sub Reddit
  • Curate content from Reddit
  • Generate organic traffic
  • Reddit marketing strategy
  • Promote video content on Reddit
  • Important Reddit guidelines
  • Build your channel from ground up
  • How to engage probable customers
  • How to discover content ideas
  • Distribute and promote content
  • Increase the reach, relevance and impact of the content
  • YouTube SEO
  • Optimize your channel for organic growth
  • How to Upload a video on YouTube Channel
  • Checklist for Uploading a Video
  • Various Tools for Extracting the Video Tags of Competitors Videos
  • Live Exercise: Uploading a Video with the Checklist Provided in session
  • Customization of YouTube wall & Channel
  • Best Practices to get more Viewers and Subscribers
  • Creation of Playlists and placing them on the YouTube Wall
  • Unlocking the Various Features of YouTube for the Channel Created
  • Live Exercise: Creating Playlists
  • Tracking the Performance of your YouTube Channel
  • Various Factors to improve the quality of videos using the Insights of Channel
  • Understanding the Sources for the videos to target your audience
  • Live Exercise: Analyzing the Insights from the videos uploaded
  • Can we Earn Money using YouTube?
  • Monetization
  • What are the Eligibility Criteria’s for Earning Money on YouTube?
  • Becoming a Partner for YouTube in Order to Monetize
  • Creation of AdSense Account
  • Linking the YouTube
  • How to engage probable customers
  • How to discover content ideas
  • Content Curation
  • Distribute and promote content
  • Online listening tools
  • Increase the reach and relevance
  • Analyze and measure effectiveness of your inbound marketing strategy
  • Email design and functionality
  • How to build your mailing list
  • Nurture your mailing list
  • Email Marketing strategies
  • Do's and Don’ts of email marketing
  • Create an effective email campaign
  • Email marketing tools & analytics
  • Minimizing Bounces and Unsubscribes
  • Importance of Email Marketing
  • Organizing Mailing List
  • How to Avoid Spam & being Blacklisted
  • A/B Testing
  • Automation of Emails
  • Types Of Email Campaigns
  • How to engage New Users
  • Email marketing tools & metrics
  • Live Exercise: Email Marketing & List Creation
  • What is Affiliate Marketing?
  • How Affiliate Marketing Tracking Works?
  • How to find Affiliate marketing platforms
  • Affiliate program in India
  • What are Affiliate Networks?
  • Affiliate Marketing Tools and Plugins
  • Affiliate Marketing Bidding Strategies & Techniques
  • Affiliate Marketing tips to increase earnings
  • Different ways to affiliate
  • Content and Affiliate relevancy
  • Affiliate marketing scenario in India
  • Top Affiliate marketing networks
  • What is mobile app marketing
  • How to promote your mobile app
  • Mobile app monetization’s
  • Create mobile app campaigns
  • App store optimization
  • Mobile marketing analytics
  • SMS campaigns
  • What is Google AdSense
  • How to create your own blog & curate content
  • Adding rich media to your blogs
  • How to get your AdSense account approved
  • Using AdSense interface and placing ads
  • Placing ads on blogs and websites
  • Introduction to E commerce Marketing
  • Building an E-commerce foundation
  • E-commerce Platforms
  • E-commerce Dynamic Ads
  • Technology infrastructure for E-commerce
  • Measure customer journey
  • Data protection regulatory and privacy issues
  • Advance Excel
  • Creating and generating Content
  • Content curation & Chatbots
  • Al + Email Marketing
  • Al in Digital Advertising
  • AI + Podcast
  • What is gamification
  • How to create a gamification marketing strategy
  • Elements of game marketing
  • Ramification marketing case studies
  • Create and implement viral marketing strategies
  • Tools used for viral marketing
  • Case studies and application
  • How to engage your customers via Viral Marketing
  • Web data analytics and insights
  • Deliver actionable data driven business insights
  • Reports, Segmentation, Qualitative research.
  • Dashboards & different advance
  • Analytics Platforms
  • Fundamentals of VR & AR
  • Explore how you interact with VR world
  • Implementing VR and AR in marketing strategies
  • Uses of AR in social media
  • Introduction to the world of gaming and streaming
  • Live streaming platforms
  • Different gaming communities and platforms
  • Future of in-game marketing
  • How to start podcasting
  • Designing & editing audio content
  • Using recording equipment and software for audio production
  • Podcast Content and distribution
  • Editing Essentials — audio editing software
  • Disseminating your podcasts, building communities and promote your podcast
  • Recording Essentials
  • Publish your podcast to iTunes and google play
  • Introduction to Conversion rate optimization
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Interpreting results to boost business
  • Advanced split testing techniques
  • Google Optimize 360°
  • Conversion rate optimization tools
  • Introduction to marketing automation
  • Why visitor tracking is important
  • Automate your SMO, PPC strategies
  • Sales Funnel, Click Funnels
  • Lead Capture and Nurture
  • Lead scoring
  • Tips for successful marketing automation implementation
  • What is psychographics
  • Detailed Analytics data
  • Create refined audiences
  • Enhance A/B tests
  • Psychographic segmentation
  • Create customer profile
  • Create and implement a capstone project
  • How to identify the best digital strategy to advance your business
  • Marketing techniques and strategies
  • Sales tactics
  • 360° evaluation
Digital marketing course in hyderabad by 3zenx having social media icons by 3Zenx
Digital Marketing Batches Starting soon

This Course Include

Skills Covered

Fundamental Of Digital Marketing

Web Designing Without Coding

E-Mail Marketing

Lead Generation For Business

Google Ads (PPC)

Google Analytics

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Online Display Advertisement

E-Commerce Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Content Marketing

Online Reputation Management

Creating Marketing Strategy

Affiliate Marketing

Blogging Adsense

GEO International Targeting

Black Hat Techniques

Video Marketing

Freelance Pushups


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ'S)

For more information about Digital Marketing Course please refer to the below questions

If you have Minimum knowledge to browse the internet is enough to learn.

  • Graduates
  • Business owners
  • Web Designers
  • Web Marketers
  • Professionals in their early career
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Looking for New Business opportunities
  • Job seekers
  • Full time freelancer
  • Entrepreneurs

We offer Classroom Training & Online Training.

3Zenx offers Advanced Digital Marketing Training Course which contains WordPress Training, SEO, SEM/PPC Google AdWords, Social Media, Content & Inbound, Email, Affiliate, Web Analytics, Lead Generation,Blogging Concepts etc.

We at 3Zenx always give importance to latest trends and updates in Digital Marketing Industry, so our students will be learning on live projects in every module.

Let's be in the Lane of Digital Memories

“Make your memories last a lifetime with digital marketing skills from the top Digital Marketing training institutes in Hyderabad!”

A Word of Appreciation From Students

Read testimonials from delighted students who have experienced our quality

Batches We Offer For Software Courses in Hyderabad

Regular Batches

Regular Batches

If you are a student and can manage to come on a regular basis, then 3Zenx recommends that you enroll yourself in regular batches. Our schedule for regular batches is from Monday to Friday, five days a week.

Alternate Batches

Alternate Batches

If you would like to invest your time for practicing at home, then 3Zenx recommends you to enroll yourself for alternate batches. 3Zenx conducts alternate batches in which you need to come 3 Days a week on alternate basis.

Weekend Batches

Weekend Batches

If you are working or can’t manage to have free time on weekdays, then 3Zenx recommends you to enroll yourself for our weekend batches, which is only on Saturdays and Sundays.

Sunday Batches

Weekend Batches

In case if you are having a busy schedule from Monday to Saturday, then 3Zenx recommends you to enroll yourself for a Sunday Special Batch. However, you need to discuss the timings with our trainers.

Our Placement Process

Eligibility Criteria

Placements Training

Interview Q&A

Resume Preparation

Aptitude test

Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement